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***The BOOKSHOP is open every Thursday from 12h - 17h, during all events, or by appointment.


11 August 2024
15:00 - 17:00 PERFORMANCE LECTURE: Performance lecture by Odete + readings. *Organised by MIND EATER, an Oslo based, artist-run and non-institutionalised festival, interested in emerging artists and interdisciplinary performance practices.
10 August 2024
14:00 - 17:00 WORKSHOP: Workshop with Star Finch in the context of MIND EATER. (Email for more information). *Organised by MIND EATER, an Oslo based, artist-run and non-institutionalised festival, interested in emerging artists and interdisciplinary performance practices.
8 June 2024
18:00 BOOK PRESENTATION: Zona Festival edited by Ileana Pintilie, with essays by Ileana Pintilie, László Beke, Vladimir Bulat, Robert Fleck, Alexandra Titu, Berislav Valušek, and artists' texts by Alexandru Antik, Matei Bejenaru, Ștefan Bertalan, Geta Brătescu, Oskar Dawicki, Ion Grigorescu, H.arta Group, Karen Kipphoff, Liliana Mericioiu, Dan Perjovschi, Lia Perjovschi, Sorin Vreme. Published by PUNCH. Presentation and talk with Ileana Pintilie, Corina Oprea, Manuel Pelmus and Anton Skaaning Thomsen.
23 May 2024
18:00 BOOK LAUNCH: Weekly Planner I & Weekly Planner II by Silje Iversen Kristiansen. Edited by Andrew Hunt, Silje Iversen Kristiansen, Jan Verwoert and Tris Vonna-Michell. *In collaboration with Mount Analogue ( and Slimvolume ( Informal presentation and conversation with artist and editors.
7 May 2024
18:00 BOOK LAUNCH: Hula - en håndbok (handbook) by Agder Teaterlaboratorium and Mia Habib Productions. Presentation and conversation by the editorial team - Sunniva Fliflet, Agnes Olander, Tiril Haug Johne, Ingerid Frang, Mia Habib, and Natanya Helena Kjølås.

1 December 2023
18:00 RECORD LAUNCH: Livre d'images sans images (LP) with Mette Edvardsen and Iben Edvardsen. *In collaboration with Varamo Press (
12 November 2023
18:00 DOUBLE BOOK LAUNCH: Scenekunstklassikere #2 and #3, published by Black Box teater: Lisa Lie: Blue Motell by Ibrahim Fazlic and Martin Slaatto: Transporteringsdans by Sidsel Pape. Readings and conversations with Ibrahim Fazlic, Sidsel Pape and Eirik Fauske. *In collaboration with Black Box teater (
8 November 2023
18:00 PRESENTATION: Varamo Press out loud with Jeroen Peeters and Mette Edvardsen. *In collaboration with Varamo Press (
5 November 2023
18.00 BOOK PRESENTATION: Exploded Gaze by Goran Sergej Pristaš. With talk by Goran Sergej Pristaš.
24 October 2023
18:00 BOOK PRESENTATION: Produktionsæstetik by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (LAE, 2022), with talk by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt. *In collaboration with UKS (
12 October 2023
18:00 DOUBLE BOOK PRESENTATION: Inserts in Real Time Dora Garcia Performance Work 2000-2023 and Blank. Raw. Illegible... Artists' Books as Statements (1960-2022) Ed. Moritz Küng. Questions and answers by Dora Garcia and Moritz Küng.
21 September 2023
18:00 WORK PRESENTATION: WB - OLV a sound piece by Philippe Beloul.
7 September 2023
18:00 READING: False Hours by Adriana Gheorghe, published by Punch. Reading by Adriana Gheorghe and accomplices.
30 August 2023
18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Being a Chair. Essays on Choreographic Poetry by Janne-Camilla Lyster (Varamo Press, 2023). Presentation and reading by Janne-Camilla Lyster and Mette Edvardsen.
23 August 2023
18:00 BOOK PRESENTATION: in gaps & patches by fieldworks - conversation with Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki, Marie Bergby Handeland, and Esben Slaatrem Titland.
19 August 2023
14:30 - 18:00 SEMINAR: Seminar on the idea of 'international' in arts by Armin Hokmi. With Shahram Khosravi, Vali Mahlouji, Jörg Sternagel, Fariba Vafi, Sarah Lookofsky and Armin Hokmi. In collaboration with Black Box teater (
21 June 2023
18:00 BOOK PRESENTATION: Kritik av konstens frihet: En motrapport by Gustav Strandberg, Kim West, Josefine Wikstöm (1|21 Press, 2022), talk by Josefine Wikström and in conversation with guests.
7 June 2023
18:00 - 20:00 READING GROUP: Toward a Transindividual Self: A study in social dramaturgy by Ana Vujanović and Bojana Cvejić. Organized by PRAXIS (
12 May 2023
18:00 LAUNCHING OF MAGAZINE: Girls Like Us#14 - Letters of Disappointment
Editorial team: Pelumi Adejumo, Persis Bekkering, Dagmar Bosma, Dora García, Jessica Gysel, Sara Kaaman, Katja Mater and Yin Yin Wong.
A selection of paragraphs from the letters of disappointment will be read by Sarah Kazmi, Nora Joung, Apolonja Sustersic, Ana Maria Bresciani, Sarah Lookofsky and Sara Eliassen.
19 April 2023
18:00 - 20:00 READING GROUP: Toward a Transindividual Self: A study in social dramaturgy by Ana Vujanović and Bojana Cvejić. Organized by PRAXIS (
17 April 2023
1 April 2023
12:00 - 14:00 READING GROUP: Toward a Transindividual Self: A study in social dramaturgy by Ana Vujanović and Bojana Cvejić, followed by a conversation with Bojana Cvejić. Organized by PRAXIS (
16 March 2023
18:00 - 20:00 READING GROUP: Toward a Transindividual Self: A study in social dramaturgy by Ana Vujanović and Bojana Cvejić. Organized by PRAXIS (
13 March 2023
7 March 2023
18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Choreographic Toolbox #1: Metamorphoses by Janne-Camilla Lyster.
Acoustic mini concert by Lene Greanger (cello), and conversation with Janne-Camilla Lyster and Mette Edvardsen. *In collaboration with Black Box teater.
13 February 2023
30 January 2023
8 January 2023

16 December 2022
18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Mare by Lisa Lie.
Reading by Kjersti Aas Stenby, presentation by Lisa Lie. *In collaboration with Forlaget Oktober.
3 December 2022
12:00-18:00 Advent calendar event: All at once for Christmas - 24 luker på en gang! (24 doors at once!)
with Runa Borch Skolseg, Fredrik Floen, Mette Edvardsen and many guests.
29 November 2022
18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Quantum Society by Sara Gebran.
In conversation with guests Rosalind Goldberg, Yukiko Shinozaki, Heine Røsdal Avdal and Mette Edvardsen.
14 November 2022
18:00 DOUBLE BOOKLAUNCH: And then it got legs by Jeroen Peeters and And Then Comes the Chorus by Jon Refsdal Moe.
Reading by Jon Refsdal Moe, conversation by Jeroen Peeters with Jon Refsdal Moe and Mette Edvardsen. *In collaboration with Varamo Press.
Saturday 29 October 2022
14:00 BOOKLAUNCH: She didn't say it was her phone, she said her girlfriend heard a phone ringing by Simon Asencio.
Reading and presentation by Simon Asencio.
27 October 2022
16:00 COLLECTIVE READING: Finnegans Wake by James Joyce with Doria García.
19:00 FILM SCREENING: The Joycean Society by Dora Garcia, followed by a conversation with the artist.
1 October 2022
12:00 - 18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Delta - An ocean call by PAM, Izabella Borzecka and Pontus Pettersson.
Activations in space by Izabella Borzecka Pontus Petterson, Alice MacKenzie, Mette Edvardsen, and seaweed soup from The Northern Company by Zoe Christiansen.
24 September 2022
15:00 + 16:45 PERFORMANCE: She gave it to me I got it from her by Clara Amaral.
18:00 BOOKLAUNCH: Afternoon Editions #3 and #4:
- Language is a map of failures. Messy thoughts on reading, writing and dressing up (#3) by Runa Borch Skolseg in conversation with Fredrik Floen.
- Certain Things (#4) by Claudia La Rocco in conversation with Jon Refsdal Moe.
23 September 2022
18:00 + 19:45 PERFORMANCE: She gave it to me I got it from her by Clara Amaral.
27 August 2022
16:00 CONCERT: Susanna synger Gunvor Hofmo (Susanna sings Gunvor Hofmo)
Acoustic concert with Susanna Wallumrød (piano and vocal) *Invited in the context of En lys sommers usigelige smerte (A bright summer's unspeakable pain) - a project based on Ruth Maier's collection of poems. (
25 August 2022
18:00 FILM SCREENING: Ingen hverdag mer by Elsa Kvamme, followed by a conversation with the director. *Invited in the context of En lys sommers usigelige smerte (A bright summer's unspeakable pain) - a project based on Ruth Maier's collection of poems. (

11 December 2021
14:00 COLLECTIVE READING: Ideer for å utsette verdens undergang (Ideas to Postpone the End of the World) by Ailton Krenak. (
15 May 2021
12:00 - 17:00 PRESENTATION: a one day exhibition of the letters from the letter writing project, part of Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine, project by Mette Edvardsen. (